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Taking the pulse of plasma-based Free Electron Lasers

A group of researchers including distinguished members of the EuPRAXIA collaboration have just published a review article in Nature Photonics summarizing the recent advances and challenges in developing plasma-driven Free Electron Lasers (FEL), a valuable source of high-brilliance ultrashort coherent light for the study of subatomic matter, ultrafast dynamics of complex systems and X-ray nonlinear optics, among other applications.

Plasma-wakefield-based acceleration technology provides a new approach for driving FELs, with the potential to reduce the material and economic footprint of current FEL facilities and enhance their performance using the unique properties of plasma-accelerated electron beams. First author of the review, Dr Mario Galletti (INFN-LNF/University of Rome Tor Vergata) shared that "With the advent of plasma wakefield acceleration, we are entering a new era where particle accelerators become both more powerful and compact. This technology holds the key to developing next-generation free-electron lasers, enabling unprecedented studies of matter at the most fundamental levels. As international efforts advance, the progress in plasma-driven FELs marks a major step forward, bringing us closer to unlocking a wide range of applications in science and industry."

The review describes the operating principles of plasma accelerators, and gives an overview of recent experimental milestones for plasma-driven FELs in self-amplified spontaneous emission and seeded configurations. It also highlights the remaining major challenges in the field, in particular to improve the electron beam quality and shot-to-shot stability and to increase the repetition rate to achieve plasma-based X-FEL operational facilities. The ultimate goal is to create dedicated plasma-FEL user facilities, expanding global access to FEL photon sources and enabling new areas of research.

FEL at SPARC_LAB, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati. Photo by Alexandra Welsch.

The article describes the vision for the future of the three plasma-based accelerator facilities that have successfully operated a FEL, exploring different configurations for the plasma wakefield driver beam, plasma stage design and operational regime: the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, COXINEL at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, and SPARC_LAB at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati.

The authors conclude by introducing EuPRAXIA as a joint effort towards the realization of an operational plasma-driven FEL facility, stating that close collaboration with existing FEL user communities is essential to identify key applications that can benefit from plasma-FEL machines in the near future.


Prospects for free-electron lasers powered by plasma-wakefield-accelerated beams

M. Galletti, R. Assmann, M. E. Couprie, M. Ferrario, L. Giannessi, A. Irman, R. Pompili, and W. Wang

Nature Photonics 18, 780–791 (August 2024)



This project has received funding from the European Union.

It is supported by in-kind contributions by its partners and by additional funding from UK and Switzerland.

© 2023 by EuPRAXIA






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